The difference between Lego Robotics and VEX Robotics
Learning robotics is the newest fad these days. Everywhere one looks in the summer, there are summer camps, seminars, workshops, and tutorials that are being organized for school-going children to engage in a different form of robotics learning. Both Lego Robotics and VEX Robotics have their niche to cater to. Learning robotics is also beneficial in the sense that it helps in augmenting the problem-solving skills and creativity within a child from a young age. Since coding and programming languages are integral to learning and taking on robotics assignments, those credentials are also boosted. Through robotics, a child can also come to learn and love the various facets of programming as well. The main benefit of robotics is that by building robots, the children can watch their creation in direct action, fulfilling a certain objective or function.
There are many salient differences between Lego and VEX robotics fields and different learning setups are needed for each of them. Lego and VEX are the two leading robotics education companies. Each of the two provides software programming and the necessary tools to assemble the robots. Both the Lego and VEX robotics have their strong points and opting for one over the other depends on which of the two one is choosing at the moment. In terms of hardware requirements, as in both cases, the key components remain the main controller, motors responsible for the functioning of the robot, sensors, and building blocks. Both of them have to be constructed following relatively the same method and there is almost no difference between the two based on the hardware side of things.

One important distinction between the two forms of robotics is that in a Lego robotics summer camp, the emphasis is on building robotics models by following the manuals that have been provided very diligently. In the Lego robotics kit, there are various color-coded blocks and they can be distinguished pretty easily. Parameter numbers also play a big role in learning the basics of how the Lego robotics operate and once that is learned, the rest is pretty easy. The programming blocks are drag and drop in nature and since they come color-coded, each of them could be identified easily. The sensors that are there in the kit of Lego robotics are much easier to run and operate. Thus, overall, Lego robotics is easier for the two robotics sides to learn and implement.

In a VEX robotics summer camp, creative freedom is afforded much more to students. Based on the pieces, code, and enterprise of each student, they can either build a separate part of a whole robot, whatever their mind desires. The creative license is much more widespread and as a result, the inner creativity of the child can take flight through this mode of robotics learning. There is also the “Driver Controlled Program” included with the VEX robotics package that helps children to witness their robots in action pretty quickly. Thus, it truly provides a robot builder’s paradise. Despite the differences between the two, both the Lego and VEX robotics help in STEM learning for your child from a very young age and through a fun and engaging activity.